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Safety at the flying site is paramount. All members must abide by the British Model Flying Association (BMFA) recommended safety guidelines as outlined in the BMFA handbook.

  1.  The club caters for all types of remote control aircraft. The flying of multi rotor (what the public would know as a drone) aircraft is not allowed at this site except in certain circumstances. A lost aircraft can be searched for using a “drone” only when a member of the committee has spoken to the owner of the Incinerator plant at the end of the track seeking permission to search for an aircraft. On no account can photographs be taken which may include the incinerator plant.

  2. This is a private flying site. Membership is normally by invitation only and is subject to the appropriate annual fee being paid. Applications will, however, be considered based on current member recommendation or by a pre-arranged meeting on site.

  3. Guest flying will only be permitted by prior arrangement. Proof of insurance will be required. A fee of £5.00 per one visit per year

  4. Membership will be revoked where persons are considered to be in breach of club rules.

  5. Unsociable behaviour will not be tolerated.

  6. All flyers must have appropriate and valid insurance.

  7. A parent or legal guardian must accompany any person under the age of 18.

  8. The club recommends that All model aircraft flyers should attain the B.M.F.A. 'A' Certificate to show that they have attained an appropriate standard of flying and safety awareness. A competency assessment similar to the ‘A’ certificate with a club instructor can be used by the club to satisfy the appropriate standard of flying and safety awareness.

  9. The BMFA recommendations on noise limits (82db at 7 metres) will be maintained at this site. Noisy models will be checked and grounded if they infringe these limits.

  10.  All vehicles must be parked in the designated parking area. NO vehicles are to be left parked on the grassed flying area.

  11. Members must use the designated pilots standing area situated on the flight line. The objective being to improve communication between pilots actively flying and persons wishing to access the take-off / landing area. The barriers are appropriately placed to ensure social distancing and safety

  12.  Models must not be taxied within the pit area. Models can be taxied in the taxi way/ restraining area between the pits and the flying area.

  13. Only five aircraft to be airborne at any one time. Only two of those 5 planes can be Petrol powered engines and two gas turbine

  14. All aircraft over 25kg should be flown only by arrangement with the pilots/committee members present, the pilot should also take account of BMFA guidance in that a “spotter” is present

  15. to ensure that the increased risk of flying at increased speeds and height is mitigated as far as possible.

  16. Any member of the committee has responsibility for ensuring compliance with the site rules. Any instruction on site must be complied with.

  17. All models must be suitably restrained in the pit area prior to the starting and running up of engines by a tether or by an assistant.

  18. Members must respect outlying farmland and crops when retrieving models away from the landing area. Please remember when opening a gate to enter a field that it is closed behind you. Remember the country code.

  19. All operational fail safe’s in use on powered models operated from this club site must have the throttle set to tick- over, not hold, (stopped in the case of electric power) regardless of the other control operations governed by the failsafe

  20. The last person leaving the site must ensure the cabin window shutters are in place, the cabin door locked and the key safe is spun to a random number, if the tractor shed has been opened that it is locked appropriately. The entrance gate is closed and padlocked and spun to a random number.

  21. The outer gate near the incinerator building should be locked between October – April by all members entering and leaving the site.


Flying times:
I.c. flying times Monday to Saturday 9am-7pm Electric flying 6am-11pm

I.c. flying times Monday to Saturday 9am-dusk

Electric flying 7am-10pm

Sunday and Bank Holidays:
I.c. flying times 10am-4pm or dusk whichever is earlier

Electric flying 7am-10pm
Gas turbine Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10am-4pm



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